Stop Dividing Your Attention

There’s a reason why entrepreneurs are revered in business.  When we’re passionate about something, about solving a problem or creating a need, we get excited about it, we get all hyped up and we see things others don’t.  And we easily get wrapped up in what we’re doing, so much so, we may forget to eat, sleep, and acknowledge the outside world.  These are just a few of the physiological sacrifices we make to bring something greater than ourselves into existence.  But there are times we can get too carried away.

In attempt to accomplish too much, we may very well carry out next to nothing.  We, as entrepreneurs and business owners, are filled with a plethora of good ideas (at least, to us).  That’s probably of one the reasons why we went into business for ourselves, to share those ideas.  However, when we take on too many of these wonderful ideas at one time, we’re actually draining our energy and stamina.   Let’s think about this logically.  If we started just five different projects, all with great potential to have a real impact in our world, how would we manage to give each project adequate energy and time so that from concept to launch, it’s a success?  Let’s take it a step back and think about our pocketbooks.  Many self-titled entrepreneurs aren’t millionaires and don’t posses all the resources to build a team to help them mold their project(s).  Where do we get the funding to start these multiple ventures?  Are we guaranteed to pitch successfully to an investor?   Could we continuously rely on the donations of others through crowd-funding?  Would our family and friends be that supportive?

The truth of the matter is, as an entrepreneur, we can’t just rely on our vision and hopes to launch our dreams.  We gotta apply a little logic every now and then.  Rather than trying to build all of our ideas at once, take one at time.  Give that project all of our energy, time and focus.  It’s more likely that when we do, we’ll decrease the chances of making sloppy and unnecessary mistakes and avoid taking too many short cuts.  Dividing our attention between too many projects too soon (especially, when none of them have taken flight yet), only hurts our reputation and the projects.  It may sound nice at first when we’re networking and we’re talking about all the things we have going on.  But that’s a turn off, to both investors and potential collaborators and partners.  Even in the early stages, you want to show a successful track record, just not possibilities.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do and create more, especially when the potential and drive is there.  But when it becomes unreasonable, then it’s reasonable to believe that it’s likely to fail.

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